Poverty and livelihood issues of women:

More than 80% agriculture work done by women but women are not the farmer and the land right of women is a questing. From morning to evining women from a forest dweller family spend time for collecting fire wood, leaf, miner forest products and work in forest and role of women in forest right is also very nominal. So from beging NAWO is advocating for land ,forest and housing right of women. Linking the womens struggle from grass root to international levell. NAWO has successfully been able to create awareness and an enabling environment for women to establish their rights over resources the most important being Land and housing .The several trainings and Interfaces with the local government land officials . The issue that the land pattas received under the Forest Rights act are not accepted by the bank or other offices for the purpose of loan or land development have been raised by the women with the leadership of NAWO members/ DRCs and the women have submitted applications to collectors of various districts demanding the original patta of the land allotted to people under FRA with the land maps. Lobbying on this issue has become inevitable in order that women get their rights. Books on FRA prepared and distributed to create awareness among the community. Lobbying for patta for other forest dwellers under this act is being carried out at the state and National level especially forf Dalit families.


• To ensure rights of women over assets and resources by distribution of joint land and house entitlements, No. of women enabled to own or and gain control over resources (land, forest , Housing ).
• Increased access of women to sustainable livelihood sources (by advocacy in migration NREGS and other govt schemes.


Build awareness on property rights of women through meetings, posters and leaflets. Do a feminist analysis of the new National Livelihoods mission and what it has in it for women, raise awareness, publish a booklet for the grassroots women beneficiaries. Continue to monitor the implementation of schemes for women. Continue to lobby for the new MFI bill.


Ensuring rights of women on assets Joint entitlement for land and forestOrganising training meeting at Village and block level with community leaders, PRI member and SHG leaders on land ,forest and housing right of women. Discussing the problem they are facing during the implementation. Collecting data from the villages. Educating the people how to apply for it. Our District Resource center Members doing all this work. Total No of families’ received land /housing grants under various schemes are IAY: Male: 150 Female :130.IAY(NAX):Male: 1124 Female: 482Vasundhara: 115 members applied for. FRA Individual claimants: Male : 14316, Female: 765 FRA: 542 got land Patta.Mo Kudia Yojana: only 402 males have received.More than 5000 applications have been made under the above mentioned schemes and are under process.

District level data collection on the status of land and forest rights.

District level data collected on NREGS ,Land right status and forest right. All Drc apply for data through filing of RTI .Migrations registers at district level stiil does not include women as migrants .discussions held with District labour officers in this regard. Data Collection in several districts are not available hence The DRC have filed RTIs to collect data. Data collected is used by other researchers/Otganisations. DRCs except for Bolangir claim that no data is available at the District labour office.

Developing and publishing of campaign material

Campaign material like poster , leaf late and flags developed for massive awareness at various level. Wall writing, rally, distribution of materials, Dharna etc.
• Collection of gender segregated data on registration for migrant workers.
• Consultation with Trade unions and other stakeholder .
• Lobbing at district and state level with different Govt department for better entitlement of women in various schems and programme like joit patta, hosing schem and different work. Support to district group for data collection. Migration registered maintained at local and district level for safe migration. NAWO invited to be a part of RDI consultation and advocacy on women land rights.

The Resource center at Bhubaneswar and in the districts:

The resource center at Bhubaneswar has been playing a crucial role in supporting all the actions of the District with translation, publication of awareness and campaign material .Organizing trainings and referral services for the district resources centers as well all its members .The resource centre also carries out studies an Collection of gender segregated data on registration for migrant workers’ analysis of the different laws and policies that help in the advocacy work it also collects and collates information’s from the different newspapers and analyzes it for advocacy . The quarterly news letter brings out the perspective of NAWO, on the various issues addressed by NAWO and otherwise. In the next two tears NAWO proposes to
• Continue supporting the advocacy of Nawo through its library.
• Bring out a quarterly news letter
• Take up cases of violence and address at the district level.
• Carry out all campaign activities at the district level.
• Do translation, documentation and share relevant information to all its members and its constituency women.

Gender Orientation of school and college student

NAWO started to work in school and college students to enable the youth to identify the existing discrimination, especially gender discriminations and the power relationship in our society and challenge them to bring change in attitude and practice.


• To promote youth as ambassadors against any violence and specifically violence against women.
• To create awareness that violence against women is a violation of human rights of women and it isv not acceptable.
• To generate awareness on gender discrimination vis a vis violence against women among man.
• To create a platform for youth to have discussion on the issue, sharing of experience, thoughts andv positive changes at all levels.
• To involve the educational institutions in the process of building safe environment for girls and women.